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Designing and Conducting Survey Research, 3rd edition [978-0-7879-7546-3 ship-p-]  $52.00 


Designing and Conducting Survey Research, 3rd edition

Louis M. Rea
Richard A. Parker

ISBN: 978-0-7879-7546-3
304 pages
September 2005, ©2005, Jossey-Bass

Since it was first published in 1992, Designing and Conducting Survey Research has become the standard reference in the field for public and nonprofit managers who are responsible for conducting effective and meaningful survey research. This updated and expanded third edition builds on the first two volumes and contains additional statistical techniques, new reporting methods that meet the growing demands for accountability, and more user-friendly analysis methods.

Designing and Conducting Survey Research is a complete, practical guide to conducting sample survey research. In a comprehensive manner, it explains all major components of survey research, including construction of the instrument, administration of the process, and analysis and reporting of results. Clear, concise, and accessible, this guide explains how to conduct a survey research project from start to finish. Further, it shows how this research method can be applied in such diverse fields as urban affairs, social science, and public administration. Designing and Conducting Survey Research is an excellent tool that will help both professionals and students understand and explain the validity of sample survey research.


Praise for the Previous Edition of Designing & Conducting Survey Research

"Clear, thorough, well-written, and eminently practical. Takes you step by step through all you need to know to conduct a survey or evaluate one and provides a basic understanding of the theoretical basis of sampling. The clarity of the book makes it a model for effective instruction and one that opens the road for those who must master the subject themselves."
-Norton Long, professor emeritus of political science, University of Missouri, St. Louis

"A basic tool for conducting survey research projects that any researcher can understand and use. Freed of confusing statistical theory yet comprehensive in approach, with step by step details."
-John B. Sauvajot, public management consultant and former deputy chief administrative officer, San Diego County

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