Construction Business Management
S. Peter Volpe, Peter J. Volpe
ISBN: 978-0-471-53636-9
248 pages
September 1991
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Provides a wide insight into the construction business, showing the reader how a contractor organizes a construction company and controls his work. Offers a practical and direct approach and describes how a business starts up, how it's organized and how it's financed. Also covers estimating, cost keeping systems, labor relations, equipment, safety, and insurance. Augmented with numerous case histories, forms and sample agreements to keep a job on schedule and within budget.
Table of Contents.
Starting Out.
Your Organization.
Assessing Financial Capabilities.
Types of Contracts.
Owner-Architect-Engineer Relations.
Accounting and Cost-Keeping Systems.
Job Organization.
Labor Relations.
Safety and Insurance.
Trade Associations.
Joint Ventures.
How Is Success Measured?.