How do you leverage your organization to increase revenues, using four resources: people, time, money and your story? Learn to create board diversity, go beyond fundraising to becoming the supervisor, enroll others in your vision, and more! Discover how to change the way you write, and learn to delegate more effectively. Learn the CATE Formula to evaluate fundraising methods, diversify your funding sources, and empower others to fundraise for you.
About Our Speaker Katherine Wertheim, CFRE, has been a fundraising consultant since 1988. She specializes in small to mid-size organizations, preparing fundraising plans, teaching fundraising management, writing direct mail appeals, and researching and writing grant proposals. She is also Director of Development at Emmaus Services for the Aging, where she has helped triple revenue, raised $1.6 million for a capital campaign, produces written materials, and has an award-winning website. She has taught over 100 classes in fundraising and nonprofit management through the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C.