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Grantwriting 101: Writing Winning Federal & Foundation Grants
Grantwriting 101: Writing Winning Federal & Foundation Grants
Outside-the-Box Funding Opportunities for Native Amer. Programs [audio-PA21]  $199.00 


Outside-the-Box Funding Opportunities for Native Amer. Programs

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Get readCly for a truly unique audio conference - "Outside-the-Box" Funding Opportunities for Native American Programs -- presented by Native American Report, the continually updated online news service Congress, the Courts, funding opportunities and more.


Join us when our experts put a laser focus on private and federal funding streams for programs affecting Native Americans, Native Hawaiians and Native Alaskans. We'll not only show you how to find and win traditional funding opportunities for Native programs, we'll also teach you how to locate and exploit "hidden" funding possibilities within programs you might not otherwise think about -- and which can lift your grantseeking to even greater levels of success.

We'll provide you with proprietary information detailing the strong federal support that still exists for Native programs -- and we'll show how to tap into it!

Our presenters for this event are David Kittross, a 30-year veteran grants specialist and former editor of Federal & Foundation Assistance Monitor, now editor-in-chief of Native American Report and Community Health Funding Report; and CD Publications' editorial director and long-time Washington press corps veteran Jim Rogers

During this 90-minute event, we'll show you how to ...

  • Recognize what funding opportunities will be available and when;
  • Craft compelling and successful grant applications;
  • Ensure your staff knows key grant application tips and techniques -- and common errors;
  • Gain the inside track with state and federal program officials;
  • Establish effective partnering relationships...

 ... And so much more!

Our expert panelists will tell you about the short- and long-term outlook for Native-related funding throughout the federal budget, including funding for such key areas as:

  • Affordable Housing
  • Child Welfare
  • K-12 Education
  • Job Training
  • Substance Abuse
  • Mental Health
  • Senior Services
  • Domestic Violence
  • Health Education

 ... To name just a few!

We'll also show you the best ways to round-up private funding, and how to effectively leverage it for even more money. We'll show you how to get your proposal in front of the decision-makers at private and corporate foundations, and how to make your program really stand out. We'll even point you to some of the most generous sources of private funding -- and tell you the best way to approach them -- so that your chances of obtaining those badly needed dollars will be vastly improved.

Whether you're an experienced grants specialist or a beginner, "Outside-the-Box" Funding Opportunities for Native American Programs will provide you with a treasure trove of information you will use again and again. You and your entire team can gather around one speakerphone and benefit from this information-packed discussion.




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