This authoritative, fact-filled 90-minute audioconference is designed to help you succeed in getting the funding your community program needs, despite a tough budgetary climate.
Listeners will receive exclusive inside information on new federal funding provisions in the 2011 budget, as well as the FY 2012 budget proposal, plus expert guidance on how to increase their chances for foundation funding in 2011, including:
- How to become more adept at finding federal and private grants for a wide range of community programs, including health, education and social services;
- How to secure funding at a time when formula funding streams are under attack;
- How to meet federal matching requirements by reaching out to the private and corporate sectors;
- How to ensure you are meeting the partnership edicts of the federal agencies;
- How to make sure you are fully meeting the White House’s definition of innovation;
- How to find and adapt innovative ideas that others have devised
- How to incorporate hot topics into your funding application;
- How to pinpoint funding priorities for proposed and new programs in FY 2011 and FY 2012 before anybody else does
- And so much more.