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Private Funders: American Assn. of School Librarians (AASL); Opportunity: AASL Innovative Reading Grant; Funding Focus: K-12 education, literacy; Geographic Focus: National; Eligibility: School libraries; Funding: One $2,500 award; Deadline (TBA): last year's deadline was Feb. 1. Summary: T...
Private Funder: Humane Society of the United States; Opportunity: 2017 National Humane Teacher Award; Funding Focus: K-12 education; Geographic Focus: National; Eligibility: K-12 teachers; Funding: Recognition and a HS scholarship; Deadline: (TBA) last year's deadline was Feb. 15. Summary: The ...
Funder: Lawrence Foundation; Opportunities: Environmental & Human Services Grants; Funding Focus: Environment, human services; Geographic Focus: National; Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofits, public schools and libraries; Funding: Multiple awards ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 each; Deadline: ...
Private Funder: ProLiteracy; Opportunity: Nat'l Book Fund; Funding Focus: Literacy, education, higher education, low-income families; Geographic Focus: National; Eligibility: Adult basic education and literacy programs; Funding: Multiple awards of New Readers Press books and other educational re...
Foundation: Nora Roberts Foundation; Opportunity: Program Grants; Funding Focus: Literacy (primary focus), children, arts and culture; Geographic Focus: National (emphasis on MD; some emphasis also on NY and WV); Eligibility: 501 (c)(3) nonprofits; Funding: Awards vary, the foundation distribute...
Private Funder: Assn. of American Educators Foundation; Opportunity: 2016-17 teacher grants; Geographic Focus: National; Eligibility: Full-time educators who have not received a scholarship or grant from AAE in the previous three grant cycles (or 18 months); Funding: Multiple awards of $500 eac...
Private Funder: Dollar General Literacy Foundation; Opportunity: Dollar General Literacy Foundation 2016-17 Youth Literacy Grants; Funding Focus: Education; Geographic Focus: Regional (in the 40 states where the store has locations); Eligibility: Schools & nonprofits; Funding: Up to $4,000 ea...
Private Funder: Best Buy Foundation; Opportunity: 2016 National and Community Program; Funding Focus: Education and youth; Geographic Focus: National; Eligibility: Nonprofits; Funding: Multiple awards, up to $200,000 each; Deadline: Oct. 1. Summary: The Best Buy Foundation offers an array of su...
Funder: Capitol Hill Community Foundation; Opportunity: Fall/Spring Grants; Funding Focus: Education, social services, arts& neighborhood beautification.; Geographic Focus: District of Columbia; Eligibility: Independent school districts, nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations...
Funders: Nat'l Endowment for the Arts/Arts Midwest; Opportunity: 2017 Big Read; Funding Focus: Literacy; Geographic Focus: National; Eligibility: Nonprofits, governments, libraries, museums, colleges and universities, art centers, historical societies, arts councils, humanities councils, literar...
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