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The programs provide more than $3 trillion worth of assistance for state and local agencies, nonprofits, and individuals. The Almanac is an ideal fingertip resource for grantseekers, consultants, libraries and agencies seeking to tap federal dollars.
Subscribers can contact Editor Frank Klimko with questions about programs or issues important to them at any time.
The 22nd edition of the Government Assistance Almanac will be published in late July. The Almanac provides a wealth of easy-to-scan information on every federal domestic assistance program, in a format that is far easier to use than the cumbersome Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. For years t...
Join us on Thursday, June 6, from 2 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. EST, when CD Publications presents "Finding Funding for Capital Projects," an information-packed audio conference designed to help both novice and experienced grant-seekers navigate the maze of public and private funders to win support for small ...
Recently, our staff of congressionally credentialed editors participated in a roundtable discussion about "The Role of Sequestration on Federal Funding." Access or download a FREE recording of the event at http://www.cdpublications.com/freenews/238...
We invite you to join us for this special 75-minute audio-conference designed to help grantseekers identify new education-related funding sources and opportunities in both the federal and private sectors.
Join us from 2 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. EST, Thursday, April 18, when we present "How to Find New K-12 Funding Sources in Uncertain Times," an audio conference designed to help grantseekers identify promising new education-related funding sources and opportunities in both the federal and private sectors.
Join us Thursday, April 4, from 2 p.m. to 2:45 p.m., when CD Publications presents a FREE audio conference featuring in-depth analyses and reporting provided by our staff of congressionally credentialed editors in a roundtable discussion about "The Impact of Sequestration on Federal Funding."
Join us Thursday, March 21, from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. EST, for an important audio conference -- "Funding School and Community Safety"
Register now for $189 and your entire team can gather around one speakerphone and benefit from this information-packed discussion.
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