Private Grants Alert

Rural Community Development Grants

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Foundation Opens Grants for Small, Rural Communities

The Ford Family Foundation offers grants to small, rural communities for after-school programming and increasing access to health and dental services for children. Deadline: Rolling. To be eligible, organizations must be located in rural communities with less than 30,000 in population not adjac...

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Rural Assistance Aids Working Family Farms

Private Funder: Farm Aid; Opportunity: 2016 Farm Aid Grant Program; Funding Focus: Agriculture and education; Geographic Focus: National; Eligibility: Nonprofits; Funding: Up to $10,000 each (multiple awards); Deadline: May 1 (LOI); full proposals must be submitted by Aug. 1. Summary: Farm Aid ...

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$21M for Rural Projects, Youth, Early Childhood Education

The Ford Family Foundation offers grants to small, rural communities for after-school programming and increasing access to health and dental services for children. The foundation distributed $21 million last year. Deadline: Rolling. To be eligible, organizations must be located in rural commu...

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