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The ASM International Foundation launches its 2017 "Living in a Material World" Teacher Grants, which emphasize materials science and the role of materials scientists in the modern world. The grants aid teachers by bringing the world of materials science into the classroom through 20 g...
Funder: Bonnie Plants; Geographic Focus: National; Program: 2016 3rd-Grade Cabbage Program; Eligibility: Schools, 3rd grade classroom teachers (teachers from Alaska and Hawaii are not eligible); Funding: Free cabbage plants, $1,000 scholarships; Deadline: Rolling. Summary: Bonnie Plants delive...
Funders: Whole Kids Foundation, a giving effort of Whole Foods Market and FoodCorps; Opportunity: School Garden Grants Program; Funding Focus: Nutrition, obesity, K-12 education; Geographic Focus: National; Eligibility: K-12 schools, school districts or 501(c)(3) nonprofits; Funding: Multiple gr...
Funders: Spencer Foundation/University of Illinois Chicago; Opportunity: Education grants; Funding Focus: K-12 education, minorities and student achievement; Geographic Focus: National; Eligibility: Researchers (must partner with a college or K-12 school); Funding: Multiple awards (the foundation...
Funders: Nat'l Dairy Council, state and regional Dairy Councils; Opportunity: 2015-16 Fuel Up to Play 60 grants; Funding Focus: Health, nutrition, physical activity and recreation; Geographic Focus: National; Eligibility: K-12 schools (applicants must participate in the National School Lunch Pro...
The Nat'l Cristina Foundation (NCF) directs donations of used computer equipment to nonprofit organizations, schools and public agencies throughout the United States. These organizations train people with disabilities, students at risk and economically disadvantaged persons to lead more independ...
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