Community Development Digest


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HUD Speeds Transfer of CDBG, HOME Funds for Disaster Aid

HUD is talking with Louisiana and Mississippi development officials and entitlement communities about how it can speed reallocation of CDBG and HOME funds to help repair and replace housing in 69 parishes suffering damage from Hurricane Isaac. President Obama's recent disaster declaration gives par...

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Tax Credits Vital to New Orleans Mixed-Use Development

New Markets Tax Credits (NMTCs) and Historic Tax Credit funds are providing most of the financing to rehabilitate two buildings into a single mixed-use development in New Orleans' Lower Garden District. Enterprise Community Development, Renaissance Neighborhood Development Corp. (RNDC) and US Bank ...

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Mississippi Seeks Comment on Brownfields Project

Mississippi's Commission on Environmental Quality gives preliminary approval for the City of Ridgeland's application to the state Department of Environmental Quality to remove an underground storage tank. The commission sets a Sept. 7 public comment deadline. The work would be at the Madison Mater...

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Kentucky Nonentitlement Areas Nearing Application Deadlines

Kentucky nonentitlement areas seeking state CDBG funds are nearing their Sept. 4 deadlines to apply for funding.

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Tuscaloosa Using CDBG Disaster Funds to Gain Tax Credits

Tuscaloosa, AL is set to use parts of $16.6 million in CDBG disaster funds in an effort to obtain low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs) for residential development and revitalization in the aftermath of tornado-related destruction occurring 16 months ago.

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Tennessee Launches Website Showing CDBG Spending

Tennessee's Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) launches a website showing where CDBG money is being spent, as well as spending in two other state programs. In addition to the CDBG program, the website contains information about the state's FastTrack Program which allows commun...

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NC Nonprofit to Develop Innovative Business Incubator

A nonprofit group is using $30,000 in from the North Carolina Community Development Initiative (NCCDI) to fill a new business incubator with up to six new businesses. NCCDI is sending the funds as part of $315,000 in grants through its Innovation Program that allows nonprofits to test and develop p...

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Foundation Offers Grants to Fight Homelessness

The Miami-based Lennar Foundation is awarding grants to nonprofits supporting programs aiding children and the homeless.

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House Boosts Funding for Appalachian Regional Commission

The House passes a FY 2013 Energy & Water Development appropriations bill increasing funding for the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), while keeping current funding levels for  the Delta Regional Authority (DRA) and the Denali Commission. The groups are federal-state regional partnerships t...

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Alabama Must Spend NSP Money Before Seeking More

HUD inspectors want Alabama community development officials to ensure Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) subgrantees spend $304,000 in program money already issued before they seek more from HUD.

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