Community Development Digest


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Times Columnist Questions U.S. Affordable Housing Policy

Thomas Edsall, a political columnist for the New York Times, argues that the affordable housing industry is largely responsible for the concentrated poverty characterizing the United States today.

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Firm Nails $20.8M Refinance Deal for Apartment Complex

The loan is structured using the Department of Housing & Urban Development’s (HUD) Section 223(a)(7) program.

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Roundtable Discussion Focuses on EPA's Ozone Proposal

The roundtable discussion builds off the committee’s ongoing efforts to underscore what some argue is the potentially devastating impact on jobs and economic growth in many areas of the country that could result from EPA’s proposed revisions to the current National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ground level ozone. Indeed, the agency’s critics suggest this could be the EPA’s most expensive regulation ever.

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Private Housing Funding Bill Moves in House

Strong House approval of the proposed "Private Investment in Housing Act" paves the way for certain acceptance in the Senate and eventual White House validation. The initiative would establish a Pay for Success (PFS) demonstration program to improve energy efficiency at government-subsidized apartment complexes.

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USDA to Make Loans for Building Rural Broadband

USDA wants loan applicants to design systems allowing for 25 megabits downstream and 3 megabits upstream in order to meet future needs. The department is accepting comments on these changes through Sept 28.

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Community Development from Coast to Coast

A roundup of community dvelopment-related news and information from around the nation.

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Prediction: Grassroots Effort to Push Liberal Transportation Agenda

Some of the original revenue-raising proposals were extremely controversial, including a plan to take money from the Social Security Trust fund that would otherwise have been paid to people with outstanding arrest warrants.

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House OKs Transportation Fund Extension; Senate Poised to Act

The House has overwhelmingly approved (385-34) an $8 billion bill which would extend transportation funding until the end of October. The measure is now before the Senate. And, if that chamber fails to act, the federal Highway Trust Fund will be out of money effective Aug. 1.

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Community Development from Coast to Coast

A quick roundup of development-related news from around the nation.

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HUD Offers $5 Million-Plus in Grants for Lead Reduction

The Department of Housing and Urban Development makes available $2.3 million on funding for its Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Program and $3 million for the Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program. Eligibility extends to states, Native American tribes, cities, counties, and other governm...

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