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HUD is ordering Flint, MI to repay the federal government more than $1 million for improperly spending Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) funds.
Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) construction is moving forward, as work on more than 2,000 units is completed during the first quarter of 2012, according to HUD's latest Housing Scorecard. The Housing Scorecards for May and June show work on 11,719 newly built or rehabilitated housing unit...
Phoenix officials are asked to justify or repay $6.1 million in non-federal funding for its Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP-2).
HUD inspectors want Alabama community development officials to ensure Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) subgrantees spend $304,000 in program money already issued before they seek more from HUD.
HUD's Office of Inspector General (OIG) wants an Arizona nonprofit to repay or justify why it spent $787,000 in Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP-1) on work done in the city of Avondale since 2009. OIG's Dec. 8 report says either civil or administrative action or both should be...
Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) numbers in the latest HUD-Treasury federal Housing Scorecard are being changed to a more conservative number reflecting finished work. HUD staff provided CDD with a prepared statement explaining the difference, saying NSP statistics were now exp...
HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) funding awardedin recent years to Harris County (TX) can be counted on to rehabilitate homes for some time and perhaps end up being supplemented by other funding when the money runs out.David Turkel, director of the Harris County Community Services Dept.,...
Modesto, CA is freezing work for 90 days on Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) projects after a HUD probe revealed a possible conflict of interest for a city official.The city’s problems with foreclosures resulted in it being among the communities receiving NSP funds in all three federal NSP i...
St. Louis County, MO officials are hoping that third-round Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP-3) funding -- now under threat of congressional elimination -- will allow them to complete rehabilitation on more than one-third of the homes it purchased under the first round of the program (NSP-1). ...
While the Republican-dominated House is passing legislation (HR 861) to kill funding for the third round of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP-3), HUD is poised to begin allowing access to the $1 billion still available to those receiving formula funding later in March. That means that the...
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