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The overall goal is to help nonprofits become strong and stable neighborhood institutions characterized by effective and responsible fiscal management and capable of carrying out a range of community revitalization activities.
Castro’s visit to Ft. Worth marks the latest stop on his Opportunity and Investment Community Tour in which he is traveling across the country to gain a better understanding of housing and urban development issues facing communities across the country.
Indiana Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann (R), who oversees Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA), announces that the U.S. Department of the Treasury has approved the use of $75 million of Indiana's Hardest Hit Funds for the state’s Blight Elimination Program.
The largest residential blight removal project in the history of Flint, MI is now underway. The initiative aims to reduce foreclosures and revitalize neighborhoods.
In North Carolina, the State Employees' Credit Union and the city of Durham have signed a Pledge of Support aimed at rehabilitating foreclosed properties in distressed neighborhoods and revitalizing the local community.
This group focused on redeveloping the main commercial corridor of a low-income neighborhood by using a commercial land trust to acquire property and develop real estate.
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