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The new “Interim Final Rule” allows comments for 60 days, but the comment window is moot because HUD has absolved itself from delaying immediate enforcement of the rule by declaring prior public notice and standard comment period “impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest.”
The county is challenging HUD’s authority to deny or withhold grants while accusing the county of noncompliance with the terms of their 2009 fair housing settlement.
Eight New York towns and villages will no longer receive Community Development Block Grant awards because they are too affluent according to HUD’s new definitions of affluence.
The budget would authorize the states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California to set aside up to 15% (from the current 10%) of their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for these rural border communities that often lack adequate water, sewer, and/or decent housing.
City Council members in Hudson, OH unanimously reject support for the city’s participation in the community development block grant and HOME programs.
The Deoartment of Housing & Urban Development's shift in policy to make the agency’s study of Community Development Block Grant spending more rigorous has communities fuming. HUD now declares three Washington state communities ineligible to receive further CDBG subsidies. They persuade Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) to intercede and ask HUD Secretary Julian Castro to find an alternative solution to the problem.
Funds go to Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages and are used to develop strong Indian and Alaska Native communities.
HUD’s order to Hillsborough County, FL to repay the department $1.02 million for what the department alleged was the county’s misspending has been quietly pulled back.
The Deoartment of Housing & Urban Development tells Westchester County, NY that it will not receive more than $5 million in community development grants for 2014.
Five Indiana communities are receiving grants totaling $1.5 million for a variety of projects through the Public Facilities Program managed by the state’s Office of Community and Rural Affairs. Funded by a federal community block grant, this program is available to communities for facilities o...
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