The program will support research dealing with adolescents and young adults ages 12 to 24 with serious, advanced illnesses, including end-of-life/palliative care models.
Lawmakers in California are moving forward on legislation to require online sites and services that collect consumers' personal data to reveal how they acknowledge "do not track" signals from Web browsers.
Twenty five years ago, Lula Hulett replaced her roof not thinking about the longevity of her new shingles. Year after year, the elements wore on the roof of her Houston, TX home. Then, in the aftermath of a recent rain storm, Hulett realized she could wait no longer to replace her leaky roof. "...
Both developments serve very low-income elderly residents, as well as people with disabilities.
The Boone County Senior Center of Harrison, AR is reaching the growing Baby Boomer population through a program which offers older residents of the area an opportunity to get out of the house and become more active.
CareLink's wellness and fitness coordinator planned the first annual Dancing with the Seniors contest, held in 2009, primarily to help members of senior centers in CareLink's six-county service area increase their physical activity and also to encourage social interaction.
With 27 states, Washington, DC and Puerto Rico now reporting problems with imported Chinese drywall, the federal government steps in to quell the fury of homeowners beset with uninhabitable houses and health problems. A significant portion of the affected homes are owned by retirees, many of whom invested their life savings in the properties.
Despite the weak economy, Wal-Mart has increased its global corporate giving by 25% in its last fiscal year, which ended on Jan. 31. Wal-Mart distributes more than $423 million in cash and in-kind gifts -- a $85.6 million year-over-year increase in giving.
As part of its Quaker Go Project, Quaker Oats has announced a new grant program to support people working to combat hunger at the community level. This is a great opportunity for Meals on Wheels programs and other nutrition-related projects that serve seniors. But you need to get moving right away. Deadline for submissions is March 31.
Reducing urinary incontinence can now be added to the extensive list of health benefits of weight loss, according to a clinical trial funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and the Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH), both part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Known as the "Medicare Home Infusion Therapy Coverage Act" (S 254), the legislation requires the creation of quality standards to ensure the safe and effective provision of home infusion therapy.
One winner retired from the military and found his true calling: teaching disadvantaged youth in a homeless shelter. Another realized her childhood dream of becoming a nurse after a career in office management. A third, a former TV news producer, applied the passion she felt for vulnerable children to her new job raising money for a pediatric care center. These are three examples of Americans who are successfully transitioning from mid-life careers to new encore careers -- work that combines personal meaning and social impact with continued income in the second half of life. They and 14 others have won a trip to a first-ever summit on encore careers organized by Civic Ventures, a national think tank on boomers, work and social purpose.
The Department of Health & Human services is releasing $121 million in energy assistance to help eligible low-income households meet home energy costs. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funds are expected to provide states with heating assistance for the winter months ahead.
The head of the Washington, DC-based National Committee to Preserve Medicare & Social Security is taking GOP presidential candidate John McCain to task over comments the Arizona Republican made in the wake of this week's Wall Street debacle. Specifically, Barbara Kennelly, president and CEO of The National Committee, points to a McCain's Sept. 16 interview on CNN.
Several independent house and apartment locators nationwide are pumping their data into the Department of Housing & Urban Development's National Housing Locator (NCL) to accelerate temporary housing opportunities for thousands of victims of Hurricane Ike. The locators offer their services to HUD whenever a state of emergency is declared, which in turn, eliminates duplications before the housing is posted on NCL.
Early and successful evacuations appear to have led to the low death toll of eight people as of 8 p.m. EDT, Sept. 14, from Hurricane Ike in Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas. "We’re looking like everything is in pretty good shape statewide," Cecilia Federov, press officer for the Texas Dept. of Aging & Disability Services (DADS), tells Aging News Alert. "We have not seen any further evacuations."
Even if you are doing well, plentiful assets and a good income are probably not enough to get rid of your worries about retirement—at least not according to new studies of high net worth investors. Thousands of affluent boomers and Gen Xers studied by Wharton and State Street Global Advisors expressed fears about outlasting their money.
Private Medicare Advantage (MA) plans will be paid an average 12.4% more per enrollee in 2008 compared to what the same enrollee would have cost in the traditional Medicare fee-for-service program, according to a new report from The Commonwealth Fund. Even if the payment reductions to MA plans mandated by the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 had been fully in place in 2008, MA plans still would have been paid 10.6% more than expected fee-for-service costs.
Each year, the American Society on Aging (ASA) recognizes a number of individuals and organizations for their contributions to ASA, to the field of aging, and to older adults. Do you know a nonprofit organization who has demonstrated innovation in mental fitness programming for older adults? If so, nominate one today!
As has been the case for the past three years, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is once again proclaiming the Medicare Part D prescription drug program an unqualified success, claiming that beneficiary satisfaction rates remain high, program costs remain lower than originally expected, and Medicare prescription drug plan bids reflect nationwide drug price trends.
Legal Services Corporation (LSC), a quasi-governmental nonprofit funded by Congress, and LexisNexis have launched the HotDocs Software Donation Program for legal aid programs that help the nation's poor. Under the program, LexisNexis, a private provider of business information solutions, will provide free HotDocs software to eligible organizations, including those serving the elderly.
Medicare payment rates to nursing homes will increase by $780 million next year, officials at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services(CMS) say. The boost in payments is the result of a 3.4% increase in the annual market basket calculation of the cost of goods and services included in a skilled nursing facility stay. The price of the items in the basket is measured every year and Medicare payments are adjusted accordingly.
The National Institute on Aging (NIA) is soliciting Research and Development Center (P30) grant applications in the areas of demography and economics of aging, including relevant interdisciplinary areas rooted in population-based social science research.
Alzheimer's disease is now the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics. The CDC estimates that 72,914 Americans died of Alzheimer's disease in 2006.
Claiming that the proposed Fairness in Nursing Home Arbitration Act of 2008 "needlessly discriminates against long-term care providers and the patients and residents in our nation’s nursing facilities and assisted living residences", the American Health Care Association and the National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) told the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law that pre-dispute arbitration agreements are a viable legal option for long-term care consumers and providers, and their use should not be eliminated by passage of overzealous legislative remedies.
Medicare beneficiaries with terminal illnesses have their right to determine how they receive end-of-life care outlined for the first time in a new regulation soon to be published by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
The Department of Health & Human Services' Administration on Aging is accepting applications for proposed projects that advance the purposes of Title IV of the Older Americans Act, the AoA strategic plan, and the AoA mission. The deadline for submitting applications is June 30.
USDA is making available grant funds for the Rural Heath and Safety Education Programs focusing on issues related to aging. The deadline for applications is June 2.
The Urban Institute's new report, Retirement Security for Low-Wage Workers: The Implications of Career Lengths for Social Security, describes how work histories vary by gender, education, and other characteristics.
A new analysis of potential Medicare cuts expected in a forthcoming CMS rule highlights a direct threat to the care of America's frail, elderly and disabled, as well as a neagtive impact on local, state and national economies.
Guidance released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services sheds new light on an issue that has created hardships for beneficiaries and challenges for advocates trying to help them.
Teams of organizations and agencies having statewide reach are invited to submit proposals to conduct demonstration projects to establish and implement older driver safety plans.
With all the advances that have been achieved, the decision to have surgery made by many doctors is still often the incorrect one, leaving patients with unnecessary physical and financial burdens.
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) has introduced legislation aimed at improving the Medicare telehealth program. The proposed Medicare Telehealth Improvement Act of 2008 (S 2812) would expand Medicare reimbursement for telemedicine in several ways.
As a result of new rules adopted by the EEOC, advocates will need to monitor the trend in retiree coverage and be familiar with Medicare protections available to beneficiaries when employer coverage is reduced or eliminated.
The American Health Care Association expresses strong opposition to the MedPAC's recommendation to the House health subcommittee that skilled nursing facilities should receive no inflationary market basket update for FY 2009.
The U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) is committed to protecting seniors from telemarketing and mail fraud schemes, and has several resources available for that purpose.
The Admin. on Aging has $4.6 million for 28 awards to fund Senior Medicare Patrol projects.
The Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) seeks applications for the Brodsky Grant, a $30,000 award for an innovative program or service improving the lives of those affected by Alzheimer's.
The Dept. of Health & Human Services makes available a "Quick Guide to Health Literacy and Older Adults" for people who serve older adults on health and aging issues.
It's one thing to wonder whether Americans are ready to elect a woman or an African-American to the presidency. But the more relative question is whether Americans are ready to elect a grumpy old white man.
In an excluive report for CD Publications, grant-writing expert Katie Krueger provides solid advice on how to achieve better results in winning funding for seniors' programs.
Growth in healthcare spending in the United States is projected to be 6.7% in 2007, according to a just-released report from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Average annual growth is expected to remain near that rate through 2017.
HHS Secretary Michael Leavitt is urging community leaders across the country to apply for a new demonstration project that provides Medicare incentive payments to physicians for the use of certified electronic health records to improve patient care.
Pharmacy benefits management company Caremark has agreed to pay $38.5 million in a multi-state settlement of allegations that it deceived patients when it encouraged them to switch prescription drugs under the pretense of saving money.
The National Association of Realtors (NAR) on Feb. 13 told members of the Senate Special Committee on Aging that foreclosure rescue scams have caused major problems for many Americans and that older Americans and other vulnerable borrowers are frequently targets.
A senior member the House Ways & Means Committee ins pressing Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to provide proper clarification on proposed Pension Protection Act (PPA) regulations related to asset smoothing.
Prescription drug maker Merck has agreed to pay $650 million plus interest to settle two lawsuits alleging the company overcharged Medicaid for three of its most popular drugs.
FDA issued a Public Health Advisory to alert healthcare providers, patients, and caregivers to new safety warnings concerning Chantix (varenicline), a prescription medication used to help patients stop smoking.
Some 45 representatives from the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society visit Washington, DC, for the organization's regional meeting and use the occasion to discuss issues of concern with their congressional representatives.
"This report will raise eyebrows among policymakers who have been led to believe that independent pharmacists were in dire straits because of the Medicare drug benefit," says PCMA President and CEO Mark Merritt.
CMS will be expanding its secret shopper program this year to check up on the marketing and sales of Medicare Part D prescription drug plans, as well as Medicare Advantage policies.
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration has cleared for marketing the BD GeneOhm StaphSR Assay, the first rapid blood test for the drug-resistant staph bacterium known as MRSA (methicillin-resistant "Staphylococcus aureus"), which can cause potentially deadly infections. Methicillin is an antibiotic...
Three presidential hopefuls, Sen. Hillary Clinton, former Sen. John Edwards and Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), have responded to a questionnaire regarding major issues affecting older Americans sent by the Leadership Council on Aging Organizations, a 56-member coalition.
Students participate in an eight- to 12-week structured research, clinical, and didactic program in geriatrics appropriate to their level of training and interests.
Strengthening state coalitions and links between aging services network and healthcare providers to help prevent falls among older Americans and lessening the economic burden of these falls is the focus of a new public-private partnership.
The Brookdale Foundation has announced a new funding opportunity for Relatives as Parents program, which is designed to encourage and promote the creation or expansion of services for grandparents and other relatives who have taken on the responsibility of surrogate parenting due to the absence of the parents.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), ranking member of the Finance Committee, sent letters to six media-based ministries seeking information regarding expenses, executive compensation, amenities given to executives, and board governance.