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Twenty five years ago, Lula Hulett replaced her roof not thinking about the longevity of her new shingles. Year after year, the elements wore on the roof of her Houston, TX home. Then, in the aftermath of a recent rain storm, Hulett realized she could wait no longer to replace her leaky roof. "...
The city of Phoenix has launched a nutrition education online newsletter aimed helping its limited staff better assist some 15 senior centers and the estimated 1,200 homebound seniors they serve with improving their diets and quality of life.
The Boone County Senior Center of Harrison, AR is reaching the growing Baby Boomer population through a program which offers older residents of the area an opportunity to get out of the house and become more active.
A 62-year old assistant administrator of a Houston hospital pleaded guilty to charges steeming from his role in a $116 million Medicare fraud scheme involving false claims for mental health treatment.
If your nonprofit seniors service organization suffered damage resulting from one of several natural disasters occuring in the United States since Feb. 1, this program provides funding to help your organization recover.
Sunny Robinson, the owner of Memorial Medical Supply - a Houston-based durable medical equipment (DME) business, was sentenced Wednesday (Aug. 31) to 97 months in prison for his role in a Medicare fraud scheme. Robinson was convicted in March of all 19 counts of health care fraud and anti-ki...
The Caesars Foundation's primary emphasis is supporting nonprofit advocacy and service delivery organizations dedicated to helping older individuals live independently, maintain optimal health and proper nutrition, avoid social isolation, and enjoy mental and physical vitality through every stage of...
The National Council on Aging (NCOA), in a unique partnership with diversified global healthcare services provider sanofi-aventis U.S., the John A. Hartford Foundation, the WellMed Foundation and the Bexar County (TX) Area Agency on Aging, has launched a pilot program aimed at helping physicians connect older patients with diabetes to evidence-based education and wellness support.
The United States and Texas contend Dallas caused "upcoded" claims to be submitted to Medicare and Medicaid for city-dispatched 911 ambulance transports between 2006 and 2010.
The Oklahoma Health Care Authority will be asking state legislators to appropriate an additional $15 million this fiscal year so it can receive about three times that amount in federal Medicaid funds, the agency's director told a House budget panel this week.