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“Surveys repeatedly show that boomers want to keep earning an income well into the traditional retirement years…The big question is: are employers ready to embrace them as employees?” That’s the question posed by Chris Farrell of Next Avenue, a St. Paul, MN-based online resource – sponsored by Twin Cities PBS -- for older Americans.
The rule, which could dramatically expand the number of employees entitled to overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), is strongly supported by advocates representing workers in the home healthcare sector and at long-term care facilities.
The senior living industry will need to recruit 1.2 million new employees by 2025 and must be poised to create working environments and career paths attractive for these workers, according to a new study.
This 5th annual survey is a national study to collect retention, vacancy and turnover information among assisted living employees in five major job categories such as Nursing, Food Services, Administrative & Management, and 16 job positions, including registered nurse, dietitian, director, marketing director, and housekeeping.
Mexico’s Instituto Nacional De Geriatria (INGER), also known as the Institute of Geriatrics, has selected NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders), based at the NYU College of Nursing, to handle geriatric nursing capacity assessment of five Mexican hospitals.
Whether you are employed and looking to make a move, or in career transition, handling these age biases effectively is essential if you are looking for a new position.
The growth rate for women’s disability awards has surpassed that of men over the last decade.
So, you're getting along in years and you think it's too late to finish working on that higher ed degree you've been meaning to get. Well, think again! New research from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) finds that higher education pays off for women and men for all ages 50 and older, including for the oldest group studied -- e.g., those 75 and older.
A new policy brief from MDRC (formerly known as the Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation) discusses a new skills-building model designed to help low-income adults – including older Americans -- prepare for, enter, and succeed in quality jobs, in high-demand fields with opportunities for career growth.
Do senior workers who stay on the job past age 65 take away jobs from younger workers? A recent study says no.
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