Native American Report

Message from the Editor

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Audio Conference Offers Insights on 2013 Funding for Homeless Youth Programs

CD Publications announces a new audio conference, set for Dec. 6. The event will cover federal and private funding for programs designed to help homeless children, with a special focus on grants from HUD and other federal agencies.  Coming in time to meet the growing demand for homelessness assist...

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Audio Conference Focuses on Funding for Early Childhood Services

Thursday, Oct. 18, from 2 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. CD Publications sponsors a 75-minute audioconference titled "Finding Funding for Early Childhood Programs in 2013," to help grantseekers gain insights into what's likely to happen with funding for early childhood services.

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Dear Readers: We’re Improving Delivery of Our Newsletters

In response to suggestions from our customers that we make the PDF versions of our newsletters easier to access, from now on your weekly e-mail notifications will include a link that will

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Learn to Write Grants Like a Pro!

After over 50 years of reporting on federal and foundation grants, CD Publications is about to expand its services to include professional grant-writing course instruction

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We’re Improving Delivery of Our Newsletters

In response to suggestions from our customers that we make the PDF versions of our newsletters easier to access, from now on your weekly e-mail notifications will include a link that will let you immediately access a PDF version of your newsletter without having to log on to the CD Publications website

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CD Publications Now Offers Expanded Services for Grantseekers

Now, in response to numerous requests from our customers, we are offering a range of grantseeking services, including customized research of funding sources, as well as top-to-bottom preparation of federal and/or foundation grant applications.

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June 21 Audio To Focus on Funding for Childhood Obesity Programs

The Obama administration has made tackling the problem of overweight children a domestic priority, and First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move!" initiative has been dedicated to offering solutions and encouraging private funders to step up to the plate.

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BREAKING NEWS: CD Publications Now Offers Grantwriting Services

Now, in response to many customer requests, CD Publications is expanding its services to include custom grant research, needs assessments, application analysis, and federal and foundation grantwriting

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Discovering New Grant Opportunities for Higher Education in 2012

With ever increasing demands on state and federal budgets in recent years, funding once geared towards colleges and universities is often being reallocated to other needs. Even so, there are

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(AUDIO CONFERENCE) Free Event Focuses on 'Keys to Grantwriting Success'

Are you or someone on your staff new to grantwriting? Are you struggling to find your way through the federal and private grantmaking maze? Are you finding the process more daunting than you ever imagined

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